The accompanying terms and conditions apply to all site advancement/ outline administrations gave by IT Lands to the Client.
It is not vital for any Client to have marked an acknowledgement of these terms and conditions for them to apply. On the off chance that a Client acknowledges a quote then the Client will be considered to have fulfilled themselves as to the terms applying and have acknowledged these terms and conditions in full.
If you don’t mind read these terms and conditions precisely. Any buy or utilization of our administrations infers that you have perused and acknowledged our terms and conditions.
Charges for administrations to be given by IT Lands are characterized in the task quotation that the Client gets by means of email. Quotations are substantial for a certain time limit (IT Lands decides). IT Lands maintains all authority to adjust or decay to give a quotation after expiry.
Instalment for administrations is expected by bank exchange. Bank subtle elements will be made accessible on receipts.
Client Review & Additional Support Services
IT Lands will furnish the Client with a chance to survey the appearance and substance of the site throughout the outline stage and once the general site improvement is finished. At the finishing of the undertaking, such materials will be esteemed to be acknowledged and sanction unless the Client tells IT Lands overall inside two (2) working weeks of the date the materials are made accessible to the Client on staging and before live.
The following types of maintenance activities will be performed for the customer`s website.
Perfective Maintenance
Perfective maintenance encompasses changes demanded by the user or the system programmer to perfect the system as users gain experience with the website.
Adaptive Maintenance
Adaptive maintenance is maintenance due to the changes in the environment of the website that is, reflecting the changing needs of the organization.
Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is the correction of undiscovered system errors. These modifications may involve simple changes to correct coding errors to more extensive changes to correct design errors.
IT Lands will provide maintenance and post-delivery support of the website to the customer. IT Lands will provide Corrective Maintenance of the website free of cost for the first 2 (two) weeks (and will be initiated within 2 (two) working days) after the implementation of the website whereas the Perfective and Adaptive maintenance of the website will be charged separately for 75% of the total cost of the project. Although maintenance contract will be executed on a per year basis, payments will be on 6 (Six) monthly basis (in advance).
Turnaround Time and Content Control
IT Lands will introduce and openly post or supply the Client’s site by the date determined in the task proposal, or at date concurred with Client upon IT Lands getting starting instalment, unless a postponement is particularly asked for by the Client and concurred by IT Lands.
As an exchange, the Client consents to delegate a solitary individual as an essential contact to support IT Lands with advancing the commission in an agreeable and practical way.
Throughout the task, IT Lands will require the Client to give site content; content, pictures, films and sound records.
Change control management will be applicable whenever the client requests for change in the existing scope/business as defined in the sign-off requirement.
The change control activities include request, evaluation, approval or disapproval and implementation of changes to the baseline items. Changes encompass both error correction and enhancements. The configuration management plan defines the following sequence of specific steps:
Request Changes
Any request for a change to the baseline configuration item is to be documented in a given format. The same is to be passed on to the IT Lands team by the requester for consideration. Moreover, IT Lands will cater three free revision requests (within scope/any bugs found) when the project is in the revision phase. After the competition of the project, IT Lands will give a staging link to our respected customer to ensure quality to maintain satisfaction level with customer, and after written approval from the customer, IT Lands will deliver the project as committed. Any change after approval will be considered as a change request that charged separately.
Evaluating Changes
IT Lands team on receiving the change request will analyze the impact of the change on the deliverables and also will evaluate the effort required to carry out the change. IT Lands would be responsible for evaluating the impact on the operation process. The finding of the impact analysis is also documented and forms the input for the next activity.
Approving Changes
Based on the results of the preview phase, a recommendation would be made to either
- Approve the change as requested
- Approve with
- Delay to completion on phase/project
- Increase in costs
- Combination of above
- Approval withheld until completion of task/phase/project
- Approval postponed until completion of task/phase/project
Implementing Changes
Every approved change request will be taken up for implementation within the agreed time frames. Reviews are done to ensure the implementation of the change. The changed items are re-configured and released with a new baseline.
IT Lands shall prepare a detailed written quotation for each change, and provide it together with the request for changing or within 1 week of the customer requesting a change. The quotation shall set out the schedule for carrying out the change and a fixed cost for doing so and additionally, describe the impact to the cost, risk or schedule of the rest of the work.
Changes to the contract can be agreed upon by authorized representatives of both parties who shall have the necessary authority to offer and accept the terms of any proposed changes and will be defined in a separate document.
Any request for the change to the baseline configuration item is to be documented in a given format. The same is to be passed on to the IT Lands team by the requester for consideration. Moreover, IT Lands will cater three free revision requests when the project is in the prototype phase. After the competition of the project, IT Lands will give staging link to our respected customer to ensure quality to maintain satisfaction level with customer, and after written approval from the customer, IT Lands will deliver the project as committed. Any change after approval will be considered as a change request that charged separately.
Any changes accepted by the customer shall be governed by the terms of the contract.
Receipts will be given by IT Lands upon finish however before distributed to the live site. Receipts are typically sent by means of email; then again, the Client may decide to get hard duplicate receipts. Invoices are expected upon receipt.
Additional Expenses
Customer consents to repay IT Lands for any extra costs essential for the culmination of the work. Cases would be a buy of extraordinary textual styles, stock photography and so forth.
Web Browsers
IT Lands attempts to guarantee sites are intended to be seen by the larger part of guests. Sites are intended to work with the most mainstream current programs (e.g. latest version of Google Chrome). Customer concurs that IT Lands can’t surety right usefulness with all program programming crosswise over distinctive working frameworks.
IT Lands can’t acknowledge obligation regarding site pages that don’t show acceptably in new forms of programs discharged after the site have been planned and gave over to the Client. As being what is indicated, IT Lands maintains whatever authority is needed to quote for any work included in changing the site configuration or site code for it to work with overhauled program programming.
End of administrations by the Client must be asked for in a composed recognize and will be powerful on receipt of such perceive. Email or phone demands for the end of administrations won’t be regarded until and unless affirmed in composing. The Client will be invoiced for configuration work finished to the date of first perceive of wiping out for instalment in full inside thirty (30) days.
There is no guarantee of emails to be received in inboxes.
All IT Lands administrations may be utilized for legitimate purposes just. You consent to repay and hold IT Lands innocuous from any cases coming about because of your utilization of our administration that harms you or any other party.
The Client holds the copyright to information, documents and realistic logos gave by the Client, and stipends IT Lands the rights to distribute and utilize such material. The Client must get authorization and rights to utilize any data or documents that are copyrighted by an outsider. The Client is further in charge of giving IT Lands consent and rights for utilization of the same and consents to repay and hold innocuous IT Lands from any cases coming about because of the Client’s carelessness or failure to get fitting copyright authorizations. An agreement for the site plan and/or situation should be viewed as an assurance by the Client to IT Lands that all such authorizations and powers have been acquired. Proof of consents and powers may be asked.
If the customer wants the images to be copyrighted, there will be a separate purchase fee for each image used in the design and the customer will inform this before the work starts. The company will not be responsible for any copyright issues. If the customer wants to use our services for product and data entry, separate charges will apply.
Each of our designs must include Powered by IT which redirects to our official website. So that visitors know that you created this design with us, it also reflects the quality product.
IT Lands will not be responsible for the website to be blocked, according to any act of copyright.
Standard Media Delivery
Unless overall defined in the venture citation, this Agreement accepts that any content will be given by the Client in an electronic organization (through email) and that all photos and different representation will be given via email in excellent print suitable for examining in .gif, .jpeg, .png or .tiff format. Albeit each sensible endeavour should be made by IT Lands to come back to the Client any pictures or printed material accommodated use information of the Client’s site, such return can’t be ensured.
Design Credit
A connection to IT Lands will show up in either little sort or by a little realistic at the bottom of the Client’s site. On the off chance that reality is utilized, it will be intended to fit in with the general site plan. On the off chance that a customer asks for that the configuration credit to be uprooted, an ostensible expense of 10% of the aggregate task charges will be connected. The Client likewise concurs that the site created for the Client may be displayed in IT Lands’s portfolio.
The PDF file of the design will be shown to the customer before finalization, the customer will let us know at the same time if any change is to be made, if any changes are made after the development, additional charges will apply. The content will always be provided by the customer in MS Word text file.
Access Requirements
On the off chance that the Client’s site is to be introduced on an outsider server, IT Lands must be allowed provisional read/compose access to the Client’s capacity indexes which must be available by means of FTP. Contingent upon the particular nature of the undertaking, different assets may additionally need to be arranged on the server.
Post-Placement Alterations
IT Lands can’t acknowledge obligation regarding any modifications brought about by an outsider jumping out at the Client’s pages once introduced. Such adjustments incorporate, however, are not restricted to increments, alterations or cancellations.
Domain Names
IT Lands may buy area names for the benefit of the Client. Instalment and restoration of those space names is the obligation of the Client. The misfortune, retraction or generally of the area realized by non or late instalment is not the obligation of IT Lands. All domain will be registered register under the infoATitlandsDOTcom email address. The Client ought to keep a record of the due dates for the instalment to guarantee that the instalment is accepted in a great time.
Before domain registration, the customer will provide the required ten (10) Domain names (with TLD) priority wise out of them the available one will be selected.
In case of domain registration, IT Lands will be the owner of your domain moreover if you want to transfer your domain from IT Lands to another company, the customer will be responsible to pay a complete transfer fee in advance.
These Terms and Conditions supersede all past representations, understandings or assertions. The Client’s signature underneath or instalment of a development charge constitutes consent to and acknowledgement of these Terms and Conditions. Instalment online is an acknowledgement of our terms and conditions.
IT Lands thus rejects itself, its Employees as well as Agents from all and any obligation from:
- Loss or harm brought about by any incorrectness;
- Loss or harm brought about by oversight;
- Loss or harm brought about by deferral or mistake, whether the consequence of carelessness or other cause in the generation of the site;
- Loss or harm to customers’ craftsmanship/photographs, supplied for the site. Irrelevant whether the misfortune or harm results from carelessness or generally.
The whole risk of IT Lands to the Client in appreciation of any case at all or rupture of this Agreement, whether emerging out of carelessness, should be constrained to the charges paid for the Services under this Agreement in admiration of which the break has arisen.
In the occasion any one or a greater amount of the procurements of this Agreement might be held to be invalid, illicit or unenforceable, the remaining procurements of this Agreement should be whole and the Agreement might not be void hence alone. Such invalid, unlawful or unenforceable procurement should be supplanted by a commonly adequate legitimate, lawful and enforceable procurement, which comes closest to the aim of the gatherings underlying the invalid.
If the code is being tried to modify under any circumstances other than the IT Lands team, IT Lands will disown the project and will not cater any further maintenance support hence the contract will be expired at that very moment without any refund.
Our site products and services fall into the category of digital goods, and all of these are provided to the customers online.
All other terms are the same as mentioned in our IT Lands Terms and Conditions section.
Content & Translation
The basic language of website is English. The German language is auto-converted via Google translation in real-time. English will be considered and recognized for correct results, Visible German language translations may not be correct and it may be that the meaning of the word(s) has changed. We have provided the option of German translation for the convenience of our visitors, but it can also provide incorrect translations. We may choose English in the emails.
Returns and Refunds
Our return and refund policy is slightly different from others.
Because we involve a lot of third parties in our services, and in most cases, we have to make an advance payment which is non-refundable.
This is why in most cases we do not retain refund and return.
But there are some rare cases in which we do not use third-party services and we refund if the customer asks us for a refund before the work starts.
To file a Refund Request, you will need to email us at:
Note: If Applicable, all refunds are processed within 30 business days. But considering your request, our management will decide the return and refund and that will be the final decision.